
Guide for Atomic-Server contributors

First things first: I’m glad you’re reading this! Join our Discord to chat with other people in the Atomic Data community. If you encounter any issues, add them to the Github issue tracker. Same goes for feature requests. PR’s are welcome, too! Note that opening a PR means agreeing that your code becomes distributed under the MIT license.

If you want to share some thoughts on the Atomic Data specification, please drop an issue in the Atomic Data docs repo. Check out the Roadmap if you want to learn more about our plans and the history of the project.

Table of contents

Running & compiling

TL;DR Clone the repo and run cargo run from each folder (e.g. cli or server).

Running locally (with local development browser)

IDE setup (VSCode)

This project is primarily being developed in VSCode. That doesn’t mean that you should, too, but it means you’re less likely to run into issues.

Compilation using Earthly

There are earthfiles in browser and in atomic-server. These can be used by Earthly to build all steps, including a full docker image.

Improve local compilation speed

Cross compilation

If you want to build atomic-server for some other target (e.g. building for linux from macOS), you can use the cross crate, which requires docker.

cargo install cross
# make sure docker is running!
cross build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --bin atomic-server --release

Note that this is also done in the earthly file.

Git policy

Open a PR


Create new branches off develop. When an issue is ready for PR, open PR against develop.


# Make sure nextest is installed
cargo install cargo-nextest
# Runs all tests
# NOTE: run this from the root of the workspace, or else feature flags may be excluded
cargo nextest run
# Run specific test(s)
cargo nextest run test_name_substring
# End-to-end tests, powered by PlayWright and Atomic-Data-Browser
# First, run the server
cargo run
# now, open new terminal window
cd server/e2e_tests/ && npm i && npm run test
# if things go wrong, debug!
pnpm run test-query {testname}

Performance monitoring / benchmarks

We want to make Atomic Server as fast as possible. For doing this, we have at least three tools: tracing, criterion and drill.


There are two ways you can use tracing to get insights into performance.

Tracing with OpenTelemetry (and Jaeger)

docker run -d --platform linux/amd64 --name jaeger \
  -p 5775:5775/udp \
  -p 6831:6831/udp \
  -p 6832:6832/udp \
  -p 5778:5778 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 14268:14268 \
  -p 9411:9411 \

Tracing with Chrome

Criterion benchmarks

We have benchmarks in the /lib/benchmarks folder. Make sure there’s a benchmark for the thing you’re trying to optimize, run the benchmark, then make some changes to the code, then run the benchmark again. You should be able to see the difference in performance.

# install criterion
cargo install cargo-criterion
# go to atomic-server root folder - don't run benchmarks in `./lib`
cd ..
# run benchmark
cargo criterion
# or if that does not work
cargo bench --all-features


HTTP-level benchmarking tool. Sends a ton of requests, measures how long it takes.

cargo install drill
drill -b benchmark.yml --stats

Responsible disclosure / Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure

If you encounter serious security risks, please refrain from posting these publicly in the issue tracker. We could minimize the impact by first patching the issue, publishing the patch, and then (after 30 days) disclose the bug. So please first send an e-mail to describing the issue, and then we will work on fixing it as soon as possible.

Releases, Versioning and Tagging

  1. Commit changes
  2. Make sure all tests run properly
  3. Test, build and update the /browser versions (package.json files, see
  4. Use cargo workspaces version patch --no-git-commit (and maybe replace patch with the minor) to update all cargo.toml files in one command. You’ll need to cargo install cargo-workspaces if this command is not possible.
  5. Publish to cargo: cargo publish. First lib, then cli and server.
  6. Publish to npm (see browser/
  7. Update the files (browser and root)

The following should be triggered automatically:


CI situation

Publishing manually - doing the CI’s work

If the CI scripts for some reason do not do their job (buildin releases, docker file, publishing to cargo), you can follow these instructions:

Building and publishing binaries

  1. cargo build --release
  2. Create a release on github, add the binaries

Publishing to Cargo

  1. Update the versions in cargo.toml files using Semantic Versioning.
  2. run cargo publish in lib, than you can run the same in cli and server


  1. Install cargo install cargo-release and run cargo release patch

Publishing server to Docker

DockerHub has been setup to track the master branch, but it does not tag builds other than latest.

  1. build: docker build . -t joepmeneer/atomic-server:v0.20.4 -t joepmeneer/atomic-server:latest
  2. run, make sure it works: docker run joepmeneer/atomic-server:latest
  3. publish: docker push -a joepmeneer/atomic-server


  1. build and publish various builds (warning: building to ARM takes long!): docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64,linux/arm64 . -t joepmeneer/atomic-server:v0.20.4 -t joepmeneer/atomic-server:latest --push. Note that including the armv7 platform linux/arm/v7 currently fails.

Deploying to

  1. Run the deploy Github action

or do it manually:

  1. cd server
  2. cargo build --release --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --bin atomic-server (if it fails, use cross, see above)
  3. scp ../target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/atomic-server atomic:~/atomic/server/atomic-server-v0.{version}
  4. ssh atomic (@joepio manages server)
  5. service atomic restart
# logs
journalctl -u atomic.service
# logs, since one hour, follow
journalctl -u atomic.service --since "1 hour ago" -f

Publishing atomic-cli to WAPM

  1. Install wasmer and cargo-wasi.
  2. cd cli
  3. run cargo wasi build --release --no-default-features (note: this fails, as ring does not compile to WASI at this moment)
  4. wapm publish